Category: PHPPage 1 of 2

Here you can find useful php tips , ideas and of course source code and applications that they will help you in programming

When your code finally works 🥳

Should I use jQuery on 2019 ? 🤔

A very common question and a very hot topic at the moment is if you should really use jQuery on 2019? I believe it is very confusing –…

Best PHP Framework? A 2018 update!

Which is the best PHP Framework in 2018? A question that I am getting a lot and this is the video answer that I wanted to have long…

Background color in Chrome for Android – A quick guide

I am sure that many people have notice that there is the ability on Chrome on Android to have a background color. Well this is a very easy…

React Fiber explained as simple as possible

After of more than two years research by the React team, React Fiber or else react version 16  is out and it looks very promising. But what react…

Searching a programming job with no experience?

Searching for your first job and companies are asking for professional experience that you don’t have? No worries. You are not alone! Nowadays the most companies are searching…

33 Things Every Aspiring Entrepreneur Should Know

What every entrepreneur should know before they start their first business. This article was originally posted at the website on March 11 2013 by Mark Mason. I…

PHP Object Oriented Programming for Newbies

This article analyzes the reasons of using Object Oriented Programming for PHP newcomers. In my opinion anyone can found thousands of tutorials for Object Oriented PHP and Object…

Codeigniter Simplicity – A simple template library

Have you ever noticed that Codeigniter although a powerful framework is lacking of an important built-in library? Apparently the most famous PHP frameworks has a built-in layout library…

Minimize your URLs in Codeigniter

Don’t wait until your customer or … your browser(!) start to mention that your URL is way to big from the usually title. Well the first thing that…